Slocan Valley Early Childhood Community Advisory Council

Slocan Valley Early Childhood Community Advisory Council


The Slocan Valley Early Childhood Community Advisory Council (SVECCAC) is a voluntary council of organizations, service providers, and parents focused on the well-being of young children and their families in the south Slocan Valley (from Slocan to South Slocan). Council efforts and activities stem from the knowledge that strong families, supported by healthy communities, give children their best start in life. The council has been functioning and supporting Early Years endeavors in the Slocan Valley for over 15 years. The community coordinator for SVECCAC is Jen Evdokimoff, if you have questions or would like to join the council, email 

SVECCAC E-Bulletin

Among its many endeavors SVECCAC is responsible for the e-bulletin, an email bulletin that goes to families with young children in the Slocan Valley. This e-bulletin is a valuable community communication tool for parents and caregivers. The e-bulletin shares Early Years information, such as free programming available in the Slocan Valley, community events, learning opportunity/parent workshops and more! If you want to be a part of the e-bulletin please email

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We would like to thank our generous partners, funders and donors for all their support.